Recertification of CTCA Specialists

The Conjoint Committee for the Recognition of Training in CT Coronary Angiography requires all registered CTCA Specialists to renew their registration on a triennial basis. Recertification of registration requires evidence of ongoing competency.

Reminders will be sent to all CTCA specialists who are due to recertify. Please ensure your contact details are up to date. CTCA Specialists who do not submit their applications for recertification with the Committee Secretariat by the stipulated deadline will be removed from the CTCA Register, and Medicare Australia will be informed of their revised registration status.

CTCA Specialists that have been removed from the CTCA Register are able to re-register. This will involve making a full application for Recognition of Training in CT Coronary Angiography to the Conjoint Committee.

As of May 2014, two pathways are available by which CTCA Specialists can apply for Recertification for either Level A or Level B recognition. If you are currently a Level A and wish to apply to become a Level B please refer to the information on Conversion from a Level A to a Level B.

Please note there are specific logbook templates that need to be submitted for each of the two Recertification pathways for Level A and Level B CTCA Specialists.

To recertify please submit a completed recertification application form and a recertification logbook (either Pathway 1 - cases or Pathway 2 - cases and CPD). Please ensure that the logbook template is completed in full with cases from your recertification period. If you are unsure of the dates of your recertification period please contact the Secretariat.

 Payment of CTCA Recertification Invoice

For the 2023-2024 Financial year recertification costs $450.00 (including GST). Once your application and logbook has been submitted you will be invoiced. An email regarding payment of the invoice will be sent to you once it is available on the MyRANZCR Portal for payment.

Please refer to the FAQs for any questions regarding payment of the invoice or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Training Requirements for CTCA

Recertification Application Form 

Please note that recertifications due after 1 July 2024 will be reviewed under the new recertification requirements. A new application form for recertifications will be released at this time.

Pathway 1 Resources

  • Recertification Logbook Template - Pathway 1  (please only include cases from within your recertification period, should your logbook include cases outside of this period your logbook will be sent back to you to update)

Pathway 2 Resources:

 Further information