Resources for Registered CTCA Specialists

The Committee has made available a range of resources for management of credentialing in CTCA. Please note there are 3 types of applications - initial registration, recertification and conversion to a Level B specialist. There are 4 application rounds a year with submission deadlines listed. If you submit after the listed deadline your application will be reviewed in the next round. 

Initial Registration Resources:

If you wish to apply for initial registration as a Level A or B please complete the application form and logbook below and attach the required supporting documentation (including course certificate or confirmation of Fellowship training in CTCA). You will receive an email with instructions on how to pay your invoice be once prelininary checking of your application is complete.

Please note - If you are applying for initial certification please refer to the revised CTCA training requirements which will be introduced on 1 July 2024. Please note that even if you have completed a course prior to 1 July 2024 if you apply after this date then your application will be reviewed under the new CTCA training requirements

Please note the below application form is only for initial applications submitted prior to 1 July 2024 as the requirements for initial certification will change and a new application process will apply. More information about the new requirements for initial certification can be found on the ANZCTCA website


CTCA Recertification Resources

If you are currently a Level A or a Level B and are due to recertify please download the application form and logbook from Recertification of CTCA Specialist Recognition . 

For those recertifying between 1 July 2024 and 31 December 2024 please refer to the email communication you received in December 2023 or the CTCA Frequently Asked Questions document.

If you were previously registered as a CTCA specialist and your registration has lapsed please note you will need to apply for initial certification. If you wish to convert to a Level B please ensure that you refer to the Conversion information below.


Conversion from a Level A to a Level B CTCA Specialist

If you are currently a Level A and wish to convert to a Level B specialist you will need to apply for conversion. Please download the application form and logbook from Conversion from Level A to Level B CTCA Specialist Recognition


CTCA Training Requirements Information

Please refer to the Training Requirements document for information about CTCA training and recertification.

Please also find further information about the changes to the CTCA training requirements on the ANZCTCA website.  

Important Conjoint Committee Policy Statements

This page sets out the Conjoint Committee's policies with regard to use of Hard Drive and Online Cases and Courses, and the evidence required to substantiate Library cases for recertification.