
Welcome to the website for the Conjoint Committee for the Recognition of Training in CT Coronary Angiography (CTCA).

Specialists who perform CTCA in Australia and New Zealand should apply for recogntion of their training in the procedure.

Important Update: The revised version CTCA Training Guidelines have been released. Click here to see the revised CTCA Training Guidelines. Please note the revised Guidelines come into effect  on 1 July 2024.

Recertification - If you are due to recertify after 1 July please do not complete the current application form as a new application process will be released in June 2024.

Initial Certification - If you are applying for initial certification please refer to the revised CTCA Training Guidelines. All applications received before 30 June 2024 will be reviewed under the current CTCA training requirements. Applications received from 1 July 2024 will be reviewed under the new CTCA training requirements.


This site provides you with the resources you need to make an application for recognition by the Conjoint Committee as a CTCA Specialist. You can also check the CTCA Specialist Register to see your recertification due date.


2024 Submission Deadlines

  • 31 July 2024
  • 23 October 2024

Cardiac CT Events

Click here to see a Cardiac CT event listing


CTCA Training Requirements

In order to be recognised as a CTCA Specialist, Cardiologists, Nuclear Medicine Physicians and Radiologists will need to demonstrate that they have completed the requisite training criteria.

Please download the CTCA training requirements which outline what training and experience you need to achieve, and what evidence of this you need to provide, in order to be recognised as a CTCA Specialist.

Please  click here to download a copy of the current Guidelines.

Conversion of Level A to Level B CTCA Specialist Recognition

Please click here for guidelines and resources for conversion of Level A to Level B CTCA Specialist recognition. Please note that applicants will need up to 300 recertification cases (depending on where you are in your recertification cycle) and will also need 150 cases co-reported with a Level B CTCA Specialist. 

Application Resources

Initial Certification 

Specialists who wish to apply for CTCA certification must apply under the initial certification application process.

Application Form - Please download the Application for Recognition of Training in CTCA

Logbook - Please download the CTCA Certification Logbook Template_General.

Please click here for resources for CTCA Specialists.


CTCA specialists need to recertify every 3 years using either Pathway 1 or Pathway 2. Reminder emails will be sent in the lead up to your recertification due date. To check your recertification due date please check the Register of Specialists.

Application Form - Application for CTCA Recertification in CTCA

Recertification Logbook - Pathway 1 Logbook Template (cases) or;

Recertification Logbook - Pathway 2 Logbook Template (cases and CPD)

Library Cases  (if you have library cases in your logbook) - Library Cases Template

Conversion from a Level A to a Level B

CTCA specialists who wish to convert from a Level A to a Level B need to apply for conversion. This can be during your recertification cycle or at the end of it and 150 cases co-reported with a Level B are required. Please also refer to the Conversion Guidelines.

Application FormApplication for Conversion of CTCA Level A to Level B

Logbook - Conversion Logbook Template


The Application Process

The CTCA application process is designed to assist specialists in achieving recognition of their experience and training.

Your application will be reviewed by the Conjoint Committee secretariat in the first instance to check that it is complete. If necessary, the secretariat will contact you if they require any further information and/ or documentation. After your application finalised you will receive an email with instructions on paying the invoice.

Once complete, an expert panel will assess your application. The panel has one member from each of the three parent bodies (AANMS, CSANZ, RANZCR). If your application is successful, you will be advised of this in writing within 2 weeks of the meeting date and your name will be published onto the CTCA website as either a Level A or Level B CTCA Specialist.

If one or more panel members do not approve your application, it passes to the full Conjoint Committee (9 members), who will consider your application. You may then be asked for more information, or to clarify something in your application. In total, there are three rounds of consideration open to applicants, after which you will need to reapply (for a fee of $425 incl. GST).

For more information, please contact the Conjoint Committee.